We spoke of her Peruvian roots: Of being raised primarily by her grandparents – a common arrangement for families in Peru. Of the role of spirituality in her life and culture. Of Llamas, Emus and miniature Burrowing Owls that are indigenous to Western South America.
We spoke of Haiti – the island of his birth: Of The Haitian Revolution and its impact on the outcome of The Battle of New Orleans and ultimately the War of 1812. …and how Haiti is the only Nation in the World to have been established as the result of a successful slave revolt.
He loves to cook. She loves his cooking. Together they speak 5 languages. Their roots are worlds apart. What they share, however, transcends geographic and cultural boundaries. The tapestry of their life together is vibrant, and a shining illustration of the potential of diversity. Spending a day with Angie & Ralph was more than a photo shoot. It was enlightening, enriching and all-together fulfilling. In a few months I have the privilege of documenting their marriage celebration in NYC. …and I cannot wait.
Here are a few from our Winter Day in the Capital of New York State – Albany, NY. Featured are a causal lunch where they had their first date – Roy’s Caribbean; a trip to historic Washington Park to dance in the snow; and return to where they met – their college Alma Mater – The University at Albany – a campus that features more architectural lines than this symmetry-obsessed photographer can handle.